It is within the serenity of a quiet boat ride down the lake, a long hot shower, or a quiet drive on a beautiful day that my creativity sparks. My mind wanders into the world of imagination and make-believe. Within those moments I pull theses fragmented elaborate thoughts together, document, write, dream, and formulate. The hour glass empties and before I know it 10,000 words are staring me in the face. There in lies the journey and the start of another novel.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This year as I prepared to blaze the Halloween trail once again, my kids decided to break free from Mom and do the infamous Trick or Treat with their friends instead. What on earth is a Mom to do? No walking for candy, no children to watch over. I peeled myself off the floor and decided to break free from my protective nature. I unlocked the key on the tightly sealed door around their very large hamster roller balls :-) and let them roam the streets with their friends, scouring each house for the next piece of candy.

And I spent the evening in a quiet house - which only lasted until they returned home - and I watched this video online. Too cute - kudos to the guy that put this together!

VIDEO: Halloween Light Show: