It is within the serenity of a quiet boat ride down the lake, a long hot shower, or a quiet drive on a beautiful day that my creativity sparks. My mind wanders into the world of imagination and make-believe. Within those moments I pull theses fragmented elaborate thoughts together, document, write, dream, and formulate. The hour glass empties and before I know it 10,000 words are staring me in the face. There in lies the journey and the start of another novel.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Shoes Really Can Change Your Life

While I was out shopping one day I noticed a small plaque hanging on the sales rack that read:  "Cinderella is proof that shoes can change your life".  I had to giggle.  Now this one little phrase is funny and I give tribute to my friend Kristy who has more shoes than a shoe store...but if you sit and think about all the shoes that have impacted peoples lives there really is some truth around this one little statement.  Dorothy was saved from the land of OZ with  her red glitter heels.  There's no place like home.  Cinderella lost her glass slipper, but found her one true love and a prince no doubt.  Forrest ran for miles in his Nike's because he just felt like running.

My son has a life changing pair of shoes.  In fact we've bought several since he was a young boy.  From the moment he put on his first pair he was one with them.  Now....they didn't lead him to a princess...they didn't help him find his way home...but they did lead him to a sport that he lives and breathes for.

He laces up the boots, steps out on the sheet of ice, and speeds by with a swooshing sound echoing behind him.  The sound of the blade cutting the ice and the chill in the air makes the excitement of the game that much more exhiliarating.  All this while he contines to wear his life changing shoes.

The next time you are peering at those perfect shoes on the rack and hesitant to buy them, think about this: "Where could those shoes take you?"

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